artwork No Title by Ki Yoon Ko

Artwork: No Titleby Ki Yoon Ko

Malerei, 100*80 cm konzeptionell

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About the Artwork

Acrylic and oil sticks on canvas, 2021 from the series: left hand paintings

About the Artist

I have worked in or tried many different styles of painting. My style is constantly changing and evolving. For example, I invented my own way of powder painting. A mixture of experimental, realistic and conceptual. In my current creative phase, I have begun to explore painting with the opposite of my right dominant hand, my left hand. Working with my left hand gave me the freedom I never had with my right hand. I can now paint more unrestricted and freely. This was a new awakening. Because when I paint with my right, dominant hand, almost everything was thought out. Now I can paint anything that comes to mind. This has opened up a new path for me to explore.


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